postpartum health.
creating community for the mother and child.
When Baby Comes
Becoming a mom is the most beautiful thing that’s happened to me . It has also opened my eyes to so much information about Postpartum life and parenting that I hitherto would never have known. There is so much they don’t tell us! There is so much we need to know! It’s time to share real experiences on , postpartum anxiety , body image issues , money matters , selfcare, Postpartum depression and more! This is for EVERYONE.

When Baby Comes
When Baby Comes paid a visit to Ledzokuku Municipal Assembly (Lekma) hospital in Accra to speak and give out baby care products to the new mothers at the hospital.

When Baby Comes
Check out our videos
Watch videos of mothers thanking sponsors and members of When Baby Comes for the donation. Click to watch more.